Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I've Finally Done What I've Always Hated Bloggers Doing

I’ll admit I've been slackin' on here for a while now. Work's been crazy, summer's been in full swing so a lot of busy weekends, etc. have kept me from writing in the blog as much as I would like to.

As far as comics go, I've read a LOT, though. I'm torn between which books I want to write reviews on right now, but I'll admit that working through Grant Morrison's "New X-Men" Omnibus epic took a lot of wind out my sails. As soon as I finished and began writing my review, found I had no interest. Assuming I ever get around to it, I'll preface by saying this, I didn't like it. (Waits for gasps) I didn't think it was that good and it was a chore to force myself through it.

After that I read a handful of awesome graphic novels and I'm deciding now which review I'll post first.

Besides all that I've been spending most of my nights (when I usually write) on my ass watching Netflix while icing my left rhomboid muscle (where the back meets the shoulder blades for you laymen out there) after pulling it, like, frickin' months ago at the gym. On the plus side, leg day has been awesome and I've made alotta gains on that front! (Colossus can suck it - just give me a few more weeks!)

I'm still deciding what other reviews I may do. Possibly some upcoming films, maybe some video games if I ever get around to it... (how about that Pokemon Go thing, huh? Team Instinct FTW, Valor is cool, but Mystic can suck it!) We'll see, though.

Until then, keep reading those DC Rebirth books, and don't skip leg day!

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